Elderly man sitting on sofa in the living room at home and showing something on digital tablet his wife. Senior woman peeking on screen.


Do Medical Aids pay for hearing instruments?

Yes, most Medical aids will pay for hearing aids. Some offer a separate Hearing Aid / Appliance benefit which will not have an effect on any of your other medical claims, and some will pay from your medical savings account (if you have one). 

Kate Marie Hearing Solutions is registered with all the Medical Aid Schemes and she will be able to advise you as to what is offered by your particular medical aid. Just remember to bring your medical aid card along with you to your appointment.

How much do hearing instruments cost?

Hearing aids vary in price depending on a number of factors such as the make, model, size and technology level. However, only certain hearing aids will work for certain types of hearing losses. In order to obtain an accurate quote it is advisable to have a hearing test done first, so that the practitioner can advise the best options to suit your needs. Kate Marie Hearing Solutions carries a range of hearing aids from all the leading international hearing aid manufacturers, and Kate-Marie will be able to advise and guide you in the right direction when it comes to selecting a device to suit your specific needs.

Do I need a referral from a doctor to get a hearing test?

No, you do not need a referral from a doctor to have a hearing test done.

How long does it take to get used to hearing aids?

As with anything new, there is always an adjustment period. There is no set time it takes to get used to a hearing aid as every person is different. The right attitude towards wearing a hearing aid is great start and psychological acceptance of the hearing aid will greatly reduce the time it takes for the patient to get used to wearing the device. 

How much do batteries cost?

Hearing aid batteries range in price, depending on where you shop. They are usually sold in packs of six batteries, and these can range anywhere between R40 per pack to R80 per pack. 

Are there rechargeable options?

Yes! There are a number of hearing aids available that are fully rechargeable.

Are two hearing aids better than one?

It depends entirely on the hearing loss of the patient. If the hearing loss in binaural (in both ears) then yes, two hearing aids would be preferable. 

Are virtual appointments available?

Yes! Virtual and telephonic appointments are available. To book and appointment simply send a watsapp to 082 0677 698.

Are patients allowed to try the hearing aids before making a decision?

Yes! A free 2 week trial period is offered with demo hearing instruments. 

Who conducts the appointments? 

All examinations and tests are performed by Kate-Marie Butlin who is a qualified Hearing Acoustician, registered with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA), and the South African Speech Language and Hearing Association (SASLHA).